Love 💕

Dear Reader
When I think about love and all it means, I probably think of course of my husband, my kids, my pets and all I cherish....
Perhaps I think of an afternoon treat of shopping, a sea breeze, smell of coal fires in my home town...this last smell and memory always takes me back to 1970s blankets with the honeycomb holes, custard for tea and a bedside story, the sound of the train gently rolling down the track..on it's way to Scarborough....mums gentle voice saying Goodnight.....
All are love....the way my dog greets me and my cats want to all sit on my lap at once.....the smell of toast and the way I gaze at nature, the beautiful area around me and my fasination with birds, flying high above me...taking me off the ground with them and imagination takes flight...the world would be still filled with love as even as we leave it, those who love us....still love us...we are always alive and in love to stay....just like the lovely gentleman in the photo...twice a week, he brings flowers to his wife's grave.... so proud and so in love with his wife....even though she is not here in physical form, she is forever in his heart...true love lives forever and love does not forsake us, even if we think it never will ❤️


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