
Dear Reader

One terrible thing amongst many others in this world is injustice...I have never got to grips with it and I suppose I never is the one thing that troubles me more than any other......

I see the President of Ukraine hoping to join in my eyes...that should be a given..if he believes that protection from NATO will help his country after the aggressive invasion by Russia, why should he need to plead that it is a good me this is injustice that he has to ask....this man should have every possible help given and should not need to waste time asking for me it seems better that as civilised countries we gain strength against aggressive nations and we do it together....

Another injustice is those who have and those who have not....I am always saddened by people sleeping on the streets and I wonder in a modern and still comparably rich country, why this has to makes me sad, especially when it is youngsters....I understand that some people choose this way of life and this of course should be respected as every individuals right but for those who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances like sleeping rough my heart breaks.

In a world where we also are struggling to buy food for ourselves and almost certainly we are robbing Peter to pay Paul or just getting by...I worry about peoples mental and physical health...we almost seem to live in a world now where injustice and poverty are to be expected and not prevented.

Perhaps we just need some of that war spirit....the ones like our parents and grandparents got up and just got on with it but then I wonder are we just so worn down...we had Covid, terrible leaders who lied and partied..I do not wish to be political but here is injustice again....the haves and the have nots....those who respected rules will never get to hold or say goodbye to their loved ones and the attitude of some politicians is well its time to move on...that is so damaging, there is not a timescale on grief....grief chooses us and we have to learn to get to know to deal with to be able to carry takes time....always remember we are human and not machines...we are not judged by a clocking in and off device...we need to feel happy in ourselves and not what someone wants to makes you into....I hope for anyone reading this that you feel valued and never doubt kind....remember out for it and stamp it into the ground where it belongs....

Your Host x


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