
As shadows fall, sweet dreams laid in silken leaves of peppermint green do begin...
The little fairy folk now do lay...
Tiny wings and hands folded in thankful prayerπŸ™
Sweet tiny toes and tiny fingers now tired from weaving delicate fairy crowns of flowers ....
They played all day with Mrs Sunbeams until she went away to slumber πŸ’€
Pearly moon 🌝 she shines a gentle light
As fairy folk they do sleep, out like a light....
Fairy baby all wrapped up tight in sheets of spider web, tied up just right...
Fairy folk all say Goodnight, sleep tight my love 😘
See you in the morning πŸŒ… Mrs Sunbeams..... Goodnight πŸ’€ sweet dreams πŸŒ›πŸŒ›πŸŒ›


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