Vintage Fashions!

Dear Reader! I thought I would share the photos here from a wonderful little vintage shop I came across today whilst trying to stay dry! Not an easy task today! I just love the way the vintage items are displayed and it was such fun to just look and admire the dazzling treasures of brooches, little hats and shoes all presented for vintage lovers to choose from.
Having just been to a wonderful vintage 1940s event in local Northallerton, I have become a little bit more than interested in vintage fashion!
I love all clothes and just love to rummage in charity shops and any shops at all really but just looking for something just a little bit different and unusual. I also love the idea of buying a garment and knowing the money I spend is benefiting a charity!
It makes me feel much better about my clothing addiction!
Now dear Reader not that I am searching for an excuse to buy a dress or shoes but if I'm helping someone else as I do so, I am very pleased and much relieved that I do not feel too guilty in my fascination with clothes.
Enjoy fabrics and putting together an outfit!
Enjoy helping others xx


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