Indoor garden party 🎉

Dear Reader

Today has once again been terribly wet and cold, yes totally cold that I've put on the heating and extra layers! 

We were invited to an indoor garden party which was absolutely lovely and if I'm honest it is really the first social event that I have attended since the lockdowns...I was worried that I may have forgotten the art of conversation if indeed I ever had it...I am not a social butterfly would be nice to be able to chat to anyone on any subject but I believe I did my best today and I enjoyed the company and the conversation, I learned much and was made very welcome into a beautiful home with lovely Yorkshire folk.

I feel as I get older that life is very much what you put into it...the more effort you make...the more you are rewarded and also I've learned that listening is a very vital tool hear and really hear another is a gift you give to them...most precious of all is the person who cares enough to listen and not judge.....

Kindness is the art of compassion, of being there, of being the best version of you 😍


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