Lammas Day- feast of the first fruits of the harvest

Dear Reader

I wonder if you ever think about how it would be go back to simpler times...times when we were not asking Alexa the time but looking to the sky for the directions and the moon and sun for our schedule....its strange to think that our ancestors did this and now if I look at the sky for time of direction, more than likely I would be late or exceptionally lost trying to find my way home...when did we lose the art of simplicity...would we have been much happier relying on noontime and the way the wind blew...I am tempted to say yes...sometimes it's good to escape into silence and nature....when the phone rings or Alexa reminds you to go to the shops , it's just a tad annoying but if the sky spoke to that would be very different and ultimately a hippies dream...the clouds are speaking to there's a great image but dear Reader perhaps many years ago in simpler times...the sky did speak...and people did respond....thoughts for simple living ...Happy Lammas!


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